Tuesday, November 9, 2010

One surgery away from complete healing!

So on Thursday I will be having what will hopefully be my last surgery for my endometriosis. Back in June, I had a pretty extensive surgery to remove all of the endometriosis from my body, including off my ovaries, uterus, and other areas. The recovery was extremely painful and long, including a visit to the ER five days after the surgery. After about a month and half, my doctor started me on a regiment of medication to shut down my system, because he found a fibrosis that he wanted to decrease. Well, the medication worked, and underneath the fibrosis, he found one endometrioma in the wall of my tissue. The only way to remove it and to keep it from going deeper and getting bigger is surgically remove it. I was a little anxious at first of the thought of another surgery, but felt this would be God's ultimate way of completely healing me of this disease that took over my body. With any surgery, I am nervous, but I pray that God is in control and the procedure will go exactly as planned and God will guide the doctor's hand, so that further complications will NOT occur.

Why all of this if we are adopting? Well, if you know anything of endometriosis...it's painful, uncomfortable, and continues to grow without treatment. It can grow on your bowels, which can cause major complications and then it cannot be removed. It can also travel to other organs, if not treated. Why now? Before, I never truly had symptoms. Last spring I began having horrible symptoms of it and felt God was leading us in this direction of complete healing of the disease. After many visits to different doctors, we found Dr. Putman in Dallas, who specializes in endometriosis! He has been great! His theory is to take it one step at a time and this has been perfect for us. Yes, he is also a fertility doctor, but we have not been approaching this with that as our purpose. Of course, the doctor would like to have us try again, because pregnancy will make the endometriosis dormant for 9 months and would hopefully help it stop growing for good. We just ask for God's wisdome with that and lay it at His feet!

We are still so involved and excited about adoption that this has been the least of our worries or focus. I am still praying for a successful surgery and no complications right now though. So please keep me in your prayers Thursday. Pray for wisdom, alertness, and God's guidance over the doctor's hand during surgery.

During my day of recovery, my plan is to continue to work on funding paperwork....then starting next week, when I can do a little bit more, I will start cleaning out the guest room to turn it into a nursery!

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