God is a good God. He is a God of promises. He is a God of love. God is faithful to us. He is a God who provides. God wants us to trust Him completely, so that He can be glorified and pour out His blessings on us. This sounds so easy, doesn't it? Well, why is it so hard for most of us?
This is the question and thoughts that God has been trying to impress on my heart since we started this whole adoption journey. Although this past week, He is really trying to drive home His point! God promised Jon and I a family full of children and blessings, but we would have to trust Him. This was said from the beginning of our trials. We feel we are getting ready to experience these blessings, but are truly being tested this week. I think God is trying to find out, "Let me make sure I have ALL of you....both of you! Not just Jon. Not just Tiffany. All of both of you. I love you both so much. I love your marriage and what you are letting it represent! I have provided and have healed. I have gotten you, both, through some rough spots as a couple, but now I want each of you...ALL of you! Jon, I want your anxieties about your job and about your finances! Tiffany, I want your anxieties about this adoption and the finances for it! I also want your worries about Nicholas, his schoolwork, and his medication. My dear children, you have carried these burdens long enough. Will you let Me carry them for you?"
God has brought, both, Jon and I to our knees each this week. Revealing and encouraging us as we let go of the ties that we hold so tightly. God is showing us that we don't have to do this alone and that He is completely in control, whether we think He is or not. He is filling us with wisdom and understanding into different situations that we have become to stress over. Specifically, God is showing Jon where he belongs in his career right now. He learning to rest in His hands and trust the Lord for His investments each day. The more Jon trusts, the more God has blessed him this week. As for me, my heart aches for these little ones that the birthmom has our profile for. I was told that she was reviewing many profiles and taking a little bit longer. My first reaction was pure disappointment, but God is opening my heart and mind to what His purpose of this prolongation if for. "Tiffany, this is out of your control! Pour your love and blessings over this mom that is delicately and carefully choosing a life for her two little ones." So, that is what I have done! I have come before the Lord, daily, and prayed over this precious birth mom. Through this, God has attached my heart to hers and I long for her to have peace and comfort as she makes this decision. I would be thrilled if she chose our family for her little ones, but more importantly, I want her to come to know our Father! I would be lying to say that I wouldn't be disappointed if we were not chosen, but my heart belongs to my Father, and He knows what is best for these little ones and for our family. God, you are in control!
Please, continue to lift up this precious mom and her little ones she is carrying. Pray for God to touch her and draw her heart to His!
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