Well, today is two days post surgery. Nick had his alvealar bone graft and a nasal-palatal fistula repaired on Monday, Dec. 20th. He was in surgery for approximately 3 hours. Nick and I decided to take pictures throughout his journey to help him remember what had happened, since he could not remember much of his last surgery (velopharyngeal flap) two years ago. After this surgery, I must say our little guy is a trooper! God truly has something big for this special child He brought into our lives!
Nick received many cards and letters from friends and family through the mail and from his classmates at his school. He started opening them the Saturday before his surgery for encouragement and to remind him that he had many friends praying for him! God opened the floodgates with the cards that he receieved! Nick was so excited and so thankful after receiving and reading each card! He still has cards that he has not read, but will continue to read through recovery! Each evening he reads 2 or 3 cards or a stack of handmade cards from one of the classes at this school. We are so thankful for so many wonderful friends in our life for encouraging our little guy.
Nick's principal, Mrs. Elrod, also pitched in to remind Nicholas that he had so many people that loved him and were thinking of him. She got together a basket of 10 small gifts for him to open the day before surgery, the morning of surgery, while at the hospital and each day as he recovers afterward! Nick was so blessed by this, that when he saw the basket he said, "wow, they must really love me!" Nick has loved this and once again, we are so blessed to be part of school that loves their children and go above and beyond for them and their families!
When we arrived at the hospital, we were greeted by five wonderful friends from our church, Shady Grove Church! Pastor Kaye Green (the women's pastor), Pastor Kari Lowrie (the children's pastor), Pastor Niles Holsinger, and two Nick's children's ministry team members! We are so blessed by the love and support that our church has given our family since we have been there! Nick has so many people that love and adore him at church and it showed the morning of surgery!
He got his "hospital PJ's" on and started to prepare for surgery. He was still nervous as he was wheeled back to the pre-op room to start prepping for sugery, talk to the nurses, and the doctor, Dr. Byrd. The gave him his "goofy juice," which caused hiccups and a really strange little boy. He eventually fell asleep, but like always, he fought it!
We waited, what seemed like forever, but was truly only three hours for surgery to end. Dr. Byrd finally came out and announced that Nick did great in surgery and was in recovery. He did mention that he was concerned about the graft taking because there was little tissue to reconnect the graft. This was due to an adult tooth that is sitting right in the middle of where the graft was going. I made the comment, "well, our prayer is that the graft will take and we will not be doing this again." Dr. Byrd said, "yes, we will all be praying that." We know our Doctor is a believer and pray that God finds favor over this surgery and the healing process!
Nick was soon moved to his hospital room, Room 607, where we were greeted by his nurses. He was a pretty good patient, taking his pain medicine without a fight and beginning his fluids with sprite and gatorade. Nick had visitors that evening from the Mansells. He probably doesn't remember much of it, though. That evening, I spent the evening with him, while my dad and Jon went home to rest. Nick felt the need to stay up and watch movies that night, keeping mom up all night. I finally turned the channel to something less appealing and he went to sleep for about 2 and 1/2 hours.
The next morning, he woke up saying, "when can I go home." The nurses reply, "when we know you are getting enough fluids, your pain is under control, and you walk the hallway a few times." Nick was motivated! He got out of bed and started his walk! He was a trooper and of course, caught the eye of all the nurses! He still had his sense of humor and attempted conversation with them all, even though he tired quickly.
We were, eventually, ready to GO HOME! Nick changed his clothes and was excited to get home! Of course, he insisted on the wheelchair ride down to the car, but why not!
When Nick arrived home, he was greeted by a banner that the 3rd graders made for him and signed. We put it in his room as a reminder of all his friends praying for a speedy recovery for him. Nick is home resting and continuing his liquid diet for a couple more days. He has watched lots of movies, including all 4 Home Alone movies, his favorites! We also continue to read through the cards that Nick received as an ecouragement to keep resting to get better soon! Nick's mouth is still a bit swollen and his hip is a bit stiff and sore from where the bone marrow was taken from. He will continue on his pain medication for a couple more days, an antibiotic for 7 days, and a prescription mouth wash for awhile.
Nick's recovery time period is about 3-4 weeks. For the first four days, he is to remain quiet and on a full liquid diet. This is somewhat challenging for a nine-year-old boy, who likes to eat! On the fifth day, Christmas Eve, he will be able to eat soft foods or small cut up foods in the back of his mouth. As far as physical activity, he is not allowed to participate in his gymnastics, basketball, PE, or recess for approximately 3-4 weeks. This will be a challenge to all that reside in the Stewart household, because as most of you know, Nick is a very active child!!
We will know in about 3 months if the bone graft has taken and worked. We visit the orthodontist at this point, who will determine the success of the surgery! Please continue to pray with us that Nick's bone graft takes and will be a complete success! Thanks for travelling this journey with us and for praying for our sweet Nicholas!!
Oh my goodness! NIck is so amazing. And I am not surprised at all that God put him in your family. An amazing boy like Nick needs amazing parents like you and Jon! I love your blog and will now be checking in on a regular basis! Thanks, Tiffany.