As we continue to wait on the Lord, God has truly begun to reveal himself to our family. He is not only revealing himself to Jon and I, but to Nicholas! We are so amazed by this child everyday. I have to share my sweet son's heart.....
As some of you know, Nicholas has not had an easy life given to him, but he has chosen to overcome through the strength of our loving Father. How can he comprehend this? I ask the same question all the time, but I know God only knows that. God has a hold on Nick that no one else can fathom. From the very beginning, God rescued this child from the grasp of death and destruction and brought him to us, so God could fill him up!
On Easter, Nick was baptized at church...a day that will forever be imprinted on my heart! Nick was so eager, yet so anxious at the same time. I truly believe a transformation took place that day. Nick always had the kind heart and what seem to be a prophetic gift, but it has truly been refreshed and revealed to Nick! How can we say Nick might have a gift of prophecy? We still believe in our hearts that God spoke Elijah's name into Nick's heart the day we were told Elijah would be our son, because we had never mentioned the name Elijah to Nick and never really talked about it. Nick has continued to reveal his tenderness to the Lord's voice through speaking to both Jon and I about what the Lord had told him. Just recently, Nick got out of his morning shower and approached Jon with a word. Nick told Jon, "Dad, you have to 'dream' about getting sales so that the Lord will bring them to you. You can't dream that you are not getting them, b/c that is a lie and Satan is trying to take them away." He then comes to me a few minutes another room...and repeats to me what he told Jon and then says to me, "Mom, you have to 'dream' that you will have more babies and then we will have them. When you 'dream' that you can't or won't have them, that is Satan trying to take them away, b/c he doesn't want you to have them." Wow!! Another instance was about a week ago. Nick has been wanting to take voice lessons for a couple of years now, but with our schedule and his lack of maturity, we decided to wait until this year. Well, I found this amazing person to do voice lessons for Nick and he had his first "trial" lesson last week. As I had always know, Nick has a really good voice and matches pitches really well. When we walked out, I asked Nick what he thought and if this is something he wanted to do, because it would take committment and another day of your time. He turns and says...after thinking for a moment, "Mom, I believe that this is a talent God has given me, along with gymnastics, and I have to figure out what God is going to use them for. So, I have to take lessons to get better." Hmmm.... What a thought!
Nick continues to amaze us through his thoughts, words, and actions... He has begun to insist on making his own lunch at home, and really wants to be involved with helping with dinner. God has transformed this kid! He is such an amazing brother and loving youg man.
This all being said, Nick is not perfect as none of us are. So, yes, there are days when we are baffled about the behaviors that take place in him in other environments. Jon and I are determined to take this responsibility that God has given us to raise such a "world changer" and send him down the path God leads him on. We know that we live in a world full of sin, temptations, and bad influences. It is our job as parents to teach Nick how these can appear/present themselves and what he can do to either change them or turn away from them. We ask for lots of prayer and accountability as we raise this amazing warrior of God! It has not been easy and will continue to be an ongoing journey and challenge, but God knows we can handle it, so we must continue this journey forward to ensure that Nick continues to let God capture his heart.