After Bath time

Nick and Eli

Eli's Dedication
Wow, our little guy is a little over 2 months old. Words cannot even describe the joy and love I have for this little one! Elijah is so incredibly precious and amazing! I am so honored to be able to have Eli as my son. Each night, as I am rocking Eli before bed, I praise God for this beautiful child, while gazing into his loving little eyes. My heart leaps everytime, yet I am completely humbled by this opportunity to raise him!
I think our whole family shares this joy that I have for Eli. I often catch Nick gazing at Eli with a sparkle in his eye, as if he, too, is still in awe of the amazing blessing God has given us. Nick refuses to move his booster seat, in the car, away from Eli's car seat. He may not be playing with him in the car, but he will just watch Eli sleep as we drive. Any opportunity Nick has, usually during homework or when he is suppose to be doing something, he will go and make faces, noises, and play with his little brother.
As for Jon.... "He's just so precious." That is what Jon says, every morning and every evening when he gets home from work. I am not kidding!
Our family is so in love with this child that God has so graciously given us and we are forever grateful that God has opened our hearts to his many children!
So what is Eli up to? Well, Eli is smiling, cooing, discovering his hands, and moving all over the place! He is such a happy and joyful baby! We rarely hear him cry, unless he is hungry or tired! He loves laying out on the floor and looking at the toys hanging from his playmat. He has recently working on increasing his tummy time. Was not a huge fan in the beginning, but he is slowing beginning to enjoy that time too (as long as mom is laying on the floor in front him). Eli is sleeping pretty good too! He wakes up only one time at night to eat! I think that's pretty good for a 2 and 1/2 month old! Honestly, I might miss my middle of the night date with my little one, once he does sleep through the night, completely! Talk about growing like a weed! Eli has grown out of a ton of clothes! He is wearing some 3-6 month old clothes, now! I do believe he is going to be tall. He has a long body and now his little legs are catching up and they are lengthening quite a bit! He is so beautiful!!!
Thank you so much for following our family as we brought our precious miracle home! Our prayer now is that God will continue to grow our family through adoption in the future. Keep a look out for our next journey! We hope to start this amazing journey for our third little angel this next summer! God has so many children waiting for homes and our hearts and home are willing and ready. "Father, your will is our will. Please continue to prepare our family, our hearts, and our finances for the family You are preparing us for. "
Oh....his adoption finalization is set for December 16th!